1/6 Scale Hot Toys Iron Man 3 Mark 42
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I know what you’re saying – you’re sitting around the house hoping that Hot Toys makes another Iron Man. You have to buy every Detolf at your local IKEA to house the ones you already have, but you’re still jonesing for some more…
Or maybe not. If there’s one character that Hot Toys has done to death, it’s Iron Man. Obviously the multiple incarnations of the suit make it possible, but it’s also because they managed to do it so well. The fantastic sculpting and paint on the suits, combined with the exceptional engineering on the articulation, make the Iron Man versions some of the best figures they’ve done.
Last year they introduced the use of die cast metal with the figures, and released the War Machineand Iron Patriot. Adding in this additional bit of realism upped the ante once again, but it also upped the price, something that’s hard for many collectors to swallow.
The second die cast figure in the series – but third to actually hit shelves – is the MK 42, with extra battle damaged parts. If you’ve been keeping up with the IM releases, you already have an MK42, so do you really need to spend the bucks again? That’s what we’ll find out.
This guy will run you just north of $300. Yep, you read that right. Prepare for more die cast figures in 2015, including the new MKXLIII from Age of Ultron.